At first, I thought the game was rather short without figuring out a way to shut down the ejection system. After a few trials, I found out how to do it and began my exploration in the spaceship. I was able to access most room except a 4-digit lock. With the auxiliary life system activated, I gained an extra three hours to continue my search and solution experiment. The most tricky part was how to melt the crystal and destroy the evidence when leaving the spaceship with an escape pod. Hint: water.
At this point, I had only unlock the first two medals. More information shall be added to tool creation so that we knew the purpose of doing it rather than experimenting with it endlessly.
Most graphics are fine. Nevertheless, I had a hard time reading the data pad because of signal interruption effect which should be removed. Occasional blood scenes didn't scare me although they did surprise me and create a mysterious feeling for this adventure.